AM Reader Poll: Amiga and America Online?: Results So Far

Tabulated results from the current ongoing AM Reader Poll

By Paul Somerfeldt, Contributing Editor, See staff list for e-mail address

Editor's Note: See the poll for more information.

And the results for this month are:

	1000	0	 0.00%
	500     2        5.71%
	2000    6       17.14%
	2500    0        0.00%
	3000    7       20.00%
	3000T   1        2.86%
	600     0        0.00%
	1200    7       20.00%
	4000    11      31.43%
	4000T   1        2.86%

	68000   0        0.00%
	68020   1        2.86%
	68030   13      37.14%
	68040   13      37.14%
	68060   8       22.86%
	604e    1        2.86%

(Since the PPC chip requires a 680x0 chip to run AmigaOS, it is included only to show trends. In this case, the user also has a 68060 chip.)

	1.0	0        0.00%
	1.1     0        0.00%
	1.2     0        0.00%
	1.3     0        0.00%
	2.0     0        0.00%
	2.1     0        0.00%
	3.0     7       20.00%
	3.1     28      80.00%

	 1 - 10           6	17.14%
	11 - 20          14     40.00%
	21 - 30           4     11.43%
	31 - 40           4     11.43%
	41 - 50           3      8.57%
	51 - 60           0      0.00%
	61 - 70           2      5.71%
	71 - 80           0      0.00%
	81 - 90           1      2.86%
	91 - 100          0      0.00%
	More than 100     1      2.86%

	Average        28
	Smallest	6
	Largest	      130

Connect Speed:

	14.4              5     14.29%
	28.8              8     22.86%
	33.6             12     34.29%
	56K               5     14.29%
	ISDN              3      8.57%
	10Base-T          1      2.86%

(One user did not include a modem speed.)


	Australia         1      2.86%
	Canada            1      2.86%
	Germany           3      8.57%
        Japan             1      2.86%
	UK                4     11.43%
        USA              25     71.43%

AOL Subscriber:

	Yes               7     20.00%
	No		 28     80.00%

How connect to AOL:

	Clone             3     42.86%
	Mac               0      0.00%
	Clone Emulator    1     14.29%
	Mac Emulator      3     42.86%

Would join AOL:

	Yes              10     35.71%
	No               17     60.71%
        No Response       1      3.57%

Online Machine:

	Amiga            26     74.29%
	Clone             5     14.29%
	Mac               1      2.86%
	Sun               1      2.86%
        Other System      1      2.86%
        No Response       1      2.86%

(Other system is undefined by the respondent.)

Use another Online Service:

	No               28     80.00%
	CompuServe        3      8.57%
	Delphi            1      2.86%
	Genie             2      5.71%
	MSN               1      2.86%
	Mindspring        1      2.86%

(The Mindspring user is also a CompuServe user.)

Should there be a version of AOL for the Amiga:

	Yes       	 22     62.86%
	No                2      5.71%
	Don't Care       11     31.43%

Worth it for AOL to make an AOL for Amiga:

	Yes              17     48.57%
	No                5     14.29%
	Don't Know       12     34.29%
        No Response       1      2.89%

This time I will not editorialize. :)

Well, except to say that the response is a bit lower than I expected. There has been less than one response per day, indicating that there may not be as much enthusiasm for this service among Amiga users as these stats indicate.

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