Publishing Information

The Amiga Monitor is created in HTML format using CygnusEd and IBrowse, and published monthly online under the auspices of Excelsior Digital Publishing, © 1996-1998. The HTML version is available in LhA and ZIP archive formats. The AmigaGuide version is a translation from HTML and is available in LhA archive format only. The Amiga Monitor is based in Binghamton, New York, USA.

The views expressed within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher, the magazine itself, or of the organization comprising the magazine. The Amiga Monitor is an independent, non-financial publication, not legally or fiscally bound to the former Commodore or any of its subsidiaries, the former ESCOM or any of its subsidiaries, the former Amiga Technologies, the former VIScorp, Amiga International, Amiga Incorporated, Gateway 2000, or any other company or organization involved now or ever in the development or manufacture of the Amiga personal computer and compatible and/or licensed technology.

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